A Final Celebration
A Final Celebration
A Final Celebration
A Final Celebration
After their final onstage reunion, the group that inspired generations of believers now offers this 2-CD set, featuring 25 of their previously recorded and beloved songs. Cherish the music that captivated the hearts and minds of faithful Catholics. Share the songs that gave a voice to those in the pews. Featuring the music of Bob Dufford SJ, John Foley SJ, Tim Manion, Roc O’Connor SJ and Dan Schutte.
Track Listing
Be Not Afraid | Sing to the Mountains | Like a Shepherd | Sing of Him | All the Ends of the Earth | The Cry of the Poor | Come to the Water | Turn to Me | A Song of Hope | One Bread, One Body | Let the People Say | This Alone | I Lift Up My Soul | Emanuel | There Is a River | Jesus, the Lord | O Beauty, Ever Ancient | Lift Up Your Hearts | Seek the Lord | Sing All the Earth | Here I Am, Lord | City of God | You Are Near | These Alone Are Enough | Sing a New Song